Merkle Mountain Ranges

Try our online tool to grow an MMR using Keccak or Poseidon right in your browser!

Merkle Mountain Ranges (MMRs) are essentially a variation of a Merkle tree, a structure used for efficiently summarizing and verifying the integrity of large sets of data. The key characteristic of an MMR is its structure, which consists of several smaller Merkle trees, known as 'mountains', that are combined to form a single range. Each mountain in the range is a perfect binary tree, and new mountains are added as the data grows. This structure is particularly beneficial in blockchain environments because it allows for efficient and secure data verification without the need to traverse the entire blockchain.

The growing nature of blockchains makes MMRs an ideal choice for managing historical data. Unlike traditional data structures that might struggle with constant additions, MMRs are inherently append-friendly. This means that as new blocks are added to a blockchain, they can be efficiently integrated into the existing MMR without the need for significant restructuring or computational overhead.

For a deeper dive into practical implementations, take a look at our MMR implementations:

Solidity MMR

Cairo MMR


Additional Learning Resources:

MMR Size vs Leaf Count

Last updated